Core Values
The Lake Elsinore Teachers Association (LETA) is committed to providing a learning environment that best meets the needs of the students of the Lake Elsinore Unified School District (LEUSD) by:
LETA is also committed to:
LETA implements California Teachers Association (CTA) and National Education Association (NEA) policies within LETA and works to influence the development and content of those policies.
- Protecting and promoting the well-being of its members.
- Improving the conditions of teaching and learning.
- Supporting free, universal, and quality public education.
- Ensuring that the human dignity and civil rights of all children, youth and its members are protected.
- Promoting professional attitudes and ethical conduct among members.
- Encouraging cooperation and communication between the profession and the community.
- Fostering good fellowship among members.
- Working to improve the educational experience for all students.
- Providing an opportunity to study and act on issues within the profession.
LETA is also committed to:
- Bargaining for salaries and benefits, and individual and employment rights, in keeping with the academic and professional status of its members.
- Staying current and responding appropriately with political issues that affect public education.
- Ensuring that LETA members play a major role in shaping Association policy.
- Maintaining a governance system that achieves broad membership involvement and democratic decision-making.
- Maintaining a communication system to determine members' priorities and keep members informed.
LETA implements California Teachers Association (CTA) and National Education Association (NEA) policies within LETA and works to influence the development and content of those policies.