CTA's Home Is Here
Supporting Immigrant Educators, Students, and Families

Interested in getting more involved in our Association? Visit the Election 2025 page to find out about open positions on the Executive Board.
Interested in getting more involved in our Association? Visit the Election 2025 page to find out about open positions on the Executive Board.

The Ovation! program is designed to highlight and recognize the amazing work our colleagues are doing. I am sure many of us can think of someone who has truly gone up and beyond and would love the opportunity to recognize them and show our appreciation for all their hard work and dedication to help their students & fellow teachers. You may nominate more than one person and a group can organize and nominate someone altogether. It can be someone from your site or another site if you have been working collaboratively and want to recognize them. LETA would love to be able to recognize as many amazing members as possible. Thank you in advance for your support and participation. Nominations are accepted during the fall and the spring of each school year. Click on the Ovation icon above for the nomination form. Certificated members are limited to winning an Ovation! award once every three years. To view pat winners please visit the Ovation! winners (by year) page

Millions of people are experiencing lower stress, less anxiety, improved focus and more restful sleep with Calm. As a member of CTA, you qualify for a FREE Calm Premium Access Subscription!! Whether you have 30 seconds or 30 minutes, Calm content is made to suit your schedule and needs. Click on the Calm logo to the right to visit the unique CTA link to activate your account.
LETA Office